Pixie-Bob Cats & Kittens
This page contains breeders with Pixie-Bob Kittens for sale.
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Our Pixie Bobs have "Wild Kingdom" looks and Extraordinary personalities. Pixie Bobs have dog like trainability and cat affection. We are very small breeders of Quality T.I.C.A. registered Pixie Bobs. We specialize in giving all of our kittens individual attention to ensure a special friend and pet that you will be proud to share your life with.
88772 Hwy. 14
Breeder Location ( NE)
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We are a small home raised T.I.C.A. Pixie Bob cattery. All of our kittens are given a lot of LOVE and ATTENTION to give our kitties EXTRAORDINARY personality and a "Wild Kingdom, Bob-Cat Wannabe" look!!
If you have never had the opportunity to be around a Pixie Bob, you are missing a real treat!! Many owners call Pixie Bobs the dog-cats. They have that wonderful affection, “I’ll curl up on your lap and purr” cat personality, but they also have that “I’ll fetch a ball, walk on a leash, ride in your car, and stand by your side” dog personality.
I have T.I.C.A. registered Pixie Bob kittens for sale now. They are from excellent Northwest bloodlines. They have wonderful faces, heavy brow, black tipping on ears with great ear placement, spots, and great color. Some are polydactyl (extra-toes) They are available to pet homes willing to care for that “wild” looking kitty in a domestic body.
88772 Hwy. 14, 68783 402-857-3835
Breeder Location ( NE)
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T.I.C.A. registered Pixiebob cattery in the Missouri Ozarks
Wild-cat look with a heart of gold. Champion lines, Show, breeder or pet kittens available to the right home. Beautiful spotted babies. Outstanding quality. Health & temperment guaranteed
Missouri, 417-732-6526
Breeder Location ( United-States)
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Coolest cats around! Visit Pixie-Bobs.com -- The place where you can find factual information on this wonderful and wild looking domestic breed. At Distinctively NW Pixie-Bobs we emphasize health and a loving disposition as well as correct type and size. We handle each kitten with gentleness and love from birth onward to ensure that, whether they are destined for the show ring or to be treasured family pets, they will be loving and confident. We will sell no kitten until it has had sufficient time to develop its personality and receive its immunizations. We feel that the wait is a small price to pay to ensure that the new owner receives a healthy, well-adjusted kitten. For a breed that remains kitten-like its whole life, a few weeks extra is worth the wait.
Woodinville, WA
Breeder Location ( WA)
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The Best Pixie Bobs in the world, including several International Best of Breeds, Regional Winners and Supreme Grand Champions. We raise our Agents in our home and underfoot. Wild looks with awesome personality. Health and personality guaranteed. Polydactyl (with extra toes) and straight (regular) feet available. Check out our website - www.agentcats.com
Los Angeles area, CA USA 1(626) 964-2101
[ Breeder Location ( CA)
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