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Dogs News -- ScienceDaily
Dogs News -- ScienceDaily
Veterinary research and news on dogs as companions, canine health, wolf pack behavior and more. If it is news about dogs, you will find it here!

Increase in the number of dog attacks on guide dogs in the UK

Reported dog attacks on guide dogs have risen significantly over a five year period, finds a study. A total of 629 attacks were reported between 2010 and 2015, with an increase from an average of three per month in 2010 to eleven attacks per month in 2015. The authors say it is not clear whether this reflects higher levels of reporting or a real trend.

Expansion of lone star ticks in Kansas

Researchers have found habitats suitable for lone star tick populations in Kansas are growing.

Newly found genomic causes of severe compulsiveness in dogs could aid study o...

Research led by investigators in veterinary and human medicine has identified genetic pathways that exacerbate severity of canine compulsive disorder in Doberman pinschers, a discovery that could lead to better therapies for obsessive compulsive disorder in people.

Magnetoreception molecule found in the eyes of dogs, primates

The magnetic sense in migratory birds has been studied in considerable detail: unlike a boy scout's compass, which shows the compass direction, a bird's compass recognizes the inclination of the magnetic field lines relative to Earth's surface. Now scientists report that dog-like carnivores and some primate species may have a magnetic compass similar to that of birds.

DNA studies reveal that shelter workers often mislabel dogs as 'pit bulls'

DNA results show that shelter workers are often mistaken when they label a dog as a pit bull, with potentially devastating consequences for the dogs, a new study has found.

Forensic odorology scientifically validated

Odorology is a technique that uses specially-trained dogs to identify human scent. It is used in police investigations to establish that an individual has been at the scene of a crime. However, there is no international norm on how these dogs are trained.

Inhibitory control may affect physical problem solving in pet dogs

Inhibitory control may be an indicator of a dog's ability to solve a problem, according to a new study.

Wolf species have ?howling dialects?

Largest quantitative study of howling, and first to use machine learning, defines different howl types and finds that wolves use these types more or less depending on their species, resembling a howling dialect. Researchers say findings could help conservation efforts and shed light on the earliest evolution of our own use of language.

Mensa mutts? Dog IQ tests reveal canine ?general intelligence?

Dogs have measurable IQs, like people, suggests new research.

Dogs accelerate the advance of new cancer treatments for both pets and people

A new review suggests integrating dogs with naturally occurring cancers into studies of new drug therapeutics could result in better treatments for our four-legged friends while helping inform therapeutic development for human cancers. The review hopes to close the gap between human and canine cancer research, and accelerate the knowledge developed by studying cancer in both people and pets, a field known as comparative oncology.

Half of the large carnivore attacks are due to the imprudence of human behavior

Close to 50 percent of large carnivore attacks on humans have involved risk-taking human behaviors. This is one of the main conclusions reached by a study which have analyzed the circumstances of 700 documented attacks of six carnivore species (brown bear, black bear, polar bear, puma, wolf and coyote) since 1955 in the United States, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Russia and Spain.

No evidence found for 'black dog syndrome'

Black Dog Syndrome (BDS) does not exist in animal shelters, say scientists. BDS is the idea that black dogs wait longer to be adopted than dogs of other colors. The study also concluded that age and breed group were more important than coat color when it came to adoptability. For example, bully breeds, which can include American pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers or Staffordshire bull terriers, face disproportionately longer stays in shelters.

You can teach an old dog new tricks, but younger dogs learn faster

Aging affects the cognitive abilities of dogs, as a recent study shows. A team of scientists studied dogs of different ages working on a specially designed touchscreen and discovered that although all dogs were capable of learning, older dogs learnt more slowly than younger ones. No age-related differences were found regarding long-term memory.

Two thirds of cattle attacks on people involve dogs, new study finds

Dog owners are being urged to remember to be vigilant with their pets when walking near cows in the countryside, following a new review into cattle attacks. This project reviewed details of negative interactions between the public and cattle, to identify risk factors for cattle attacks, and highlight the availability and usefulness of guidance on walking among livestock.

Vaccine study shapes plan to wipe out rabies in free-roaming dogs

Rabies could be eradicated from street dogs in India with the help of a new smartphone app, a study has shown. Researchers are using the app to track free-roaming dogs that have been vaccinated against rabies.

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