Breed description: This group is for all rescue dogs. Sometimes have Free Puppies from animal shelters.

Puppies in Wisconsin for sale

On this page we have links to breeders in Wisconsin. Instead of navigating through our breeders list you can find a puppy for sale by selecting the state below that you are insterested in buying a dog. You can also find the option to search for a dog by the zip code. This will make it easier for you if you are looking for a dog in your local area or if you know the zip code where a breeder is located.

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  Bastian's Place
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Puppies for sale in Madison WI   View animals available for adoption in North Central Wisconsin. Animal Education site covers all aspects of companion animal education (from puppy mills and reputable breeders to animal abuse, neglect and overpopulation. Pet food & treats, grooming your pet and pet loss), Eating animals, Animals & Science, Animals in Captivity, Wearing animals, Animals in Foreign countries and Education alerts. Everything you ever wanted to know about animals & their rights but were afraid to ask!
[ Breeder Location (Madison  WI)
